今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


Today is the Vernal Equinox holiday and business is closed. I have been sweating it out at a tennis school event this afternoon. I have been attending the school and my backhand is still my weak point. At today’s event, the coach taught me about the backhand. I am trying to stay fit rather than improve, so it may not be a problem if I don’t get good at it. I had a good time with the members today. I cut Kurumi’s nails in the morning. It seems that the speed of nail growth is gradually slowing down.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


Today was a very cold day with the return of the winter chill. This cold weather is likely to delay the blooming of cherry blossoms. In areas where they have already bloomed, it looks like we will be able to enjoy the blossoms for a long time. I am worried that I will get sick because of the drastic temperature changes this year. I changed the lens on my camera and took some pictures of Kurumi. The sunlight was not strong, and today’s photo seems to have turned out better.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


I take a picture of Kurumi every day. It is convenient to take pictures with my phone, but today I took pictures with my camera. Inevitably, when I think about the dynamic range, I end up with smartphone is useful. It may be that the camera settings are bad. I need to get used to this camera little by little. It was a day with a strong north wind. In the evening, I went out to the bookstore in front of the station to buy books. The famous weeping cherry trees still have small buds and it will be a while before they bloom.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


When I own a house, I need to keep up with maintenance. Today I cleaned the pipes that pump out the leftover bath water. If it is not cleaned regularly, dirt will be transferred to the laundry. After filling the assembled piping with cleaning solution, I leave it for a while and later flush it with tap water to clean it. Now I can use it again comfortably for a while. We took Kurumi out shopping. My wife bought some flower seedlings and immediately started working in the garden.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

週末の土曜日、今日はクルミくんとたくさん一緒に遊ぶ時間を持つことができました。庭の仕事をする時間ももつことができました。花壇を見ると水仙の芽が大きくなってきています。花の蕾も膨らんでいます。今日は暖かな日になって、花たちも喜んでいるようです。夕方は先日、ご主人を亡くされた S さんのご家族と夕食を一緒にする機会を持てました。これまで大変だった時間を少しでも忘れてもらえたらよかったです。

On Saturday of the weekend, Kurumi and I had a lot of time to play together today. I also had time to work in the garden. Looking at the flower beds, the buds of the daffodils are getting bigger. The flower buds are swelling. It was a warm day today, and the flowers seem to be happy. In the evening, we had the opportunity to have dinner with the family of Ms. S, who lost her husband the other day. I was glad that they could forget for a moment the difficult time they have been going through.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

妻と結婚して今年で 49 年になります。世帯を持ってから今まで新聞を購読してきました。これまで同じ新聞社の紙面を読んできたのですが、今月でお断りすることにしました。理由はいくつかありますが、今は世論のことを知る方法は紙面に限らず、他の便利な手段が増えたことが決め手となりました。今日も新聞配達の人に声をかけられましたが、決意は変わらず、今月末で新聞購読を取り止めます。朝、会社に行く私を見てクルミくんは少し寂しそうでした。

My wife and I have been married for 49 years this year. We have subscribed to newspapers since we have had a household until now. We have been reading the same paper for some time now, but have decided to decline this month. There are several reasons for this, but the deciding factor was that nowadays the way to find out about public opinion is not limited to the paper, but other convenient means have increased. Today I was approached by the newspaper delivery man again, but my resolve remains the same: I will cancel my newspaper subscription at the end of this month. Kurumi looked a little sad when he saw me going to work in the morning.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


In the evening, when the sun goes down and it gets dark, I take down the curtains, but that time is getting later these days. I feel the change of seasons. Today, the northerly wind has subsided, and the daytime is warm and relaxing. Kurumi is still napping in the morning, and in the afternoon, he is on my lap. We are thankful that there have been no major changes and that we are able to spend our days peacefully.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


I was out of town on business. I was a little tired from driving to several different companies. When I came home, Kurumi was sleeping under the bed in front of the stove. I woke him up.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今日は朝から雨の一日となりました。気温も低く、寒い日でした。13 年前の昨日、東日本大震災が東北地方を襲いました。復興をし続けてきた新しい街並みがテレビで報じられています。そして、ことし、北陸地方で起きた大きな地震で、今度は北陸地方の復興が始まっています。日本に住む私たちはどこに住んでも地震の恐怖は消えません。震災が来ても立ち直る、そんな元気を持ち続けることが肝心です。クルミくんは今日も元気に遊んでいました。薪ストーブで温まった部屋でのんびりしています。

Today was a rainy day from the morning. Thirteen years ago yesterday, the Great East Japan Earthquake hit the Tohoku region. The new townscapes that have been rebuilt are being reported on TV. And this year, a major earthquake hit the Hokuriku region, and now the reconstruction of the Hokuriku region has begun. No matter where we live in Japan, the fear of earthquakes does not disappear. It is vital to keep such energy to recover from the earthquake. Kurumi was playing cheerfully today. He is relaxing in a room warmed by a wood stove.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

2020 年に買い替えた Mac Book Pro から今年発売された Mac Book Air に買い替えました。M3 という Apple 社が開発した CPU を搭載しています。Apple の環境に最適化されていることもあり、速度がとても早く快適です。最新の WiFi-6 により家の環境でも 1G という速度を得ることができました。早いだけでなく、空冷のファンが無いので動作音も小さくなることが期待できます。4 年の間の進歩を体感しています。今日は義理の妹が訪ねてくれて、妻とひとしきりおしゃべりをしていました。私たち 2 人だけだと会話の時間は少ないのですが、今日はたくさんおしゃべりができて満足したようです。クルミくんはそんななか、昼寝をしていました。

I replaced my Mac Book Pro in 2020 with a Mac Book Air released this year newly, which has an Apple-developed CPU called M3, optimized for Apple’s environment, and is very fast and comfortable. With the latest WiFi-6, I was able to get speeds of 1G in my home environment. Not only it is fast, but it is expected to be quieter as there is no fan for cooling. My sister-in-law visited us today and chatted with my wife for a while. We don’t have much time for conversation when it’s just the two of us, but she was happy to have a lot of time for chatting today. Kurumi was taking a nap in the middle of all this.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする