今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


Although the temperature has dropped compared to the days when it was extremely hot, the humidity is still high. This kind of weather always continues during the rainy season. Using the dehumidification function of the air conditioner causes the temperature to drop, but this may not be the case with recent models. Tomorrow is Monday, but it is a national holiday in Japan, and many people will be on the move this weekend. We continue with our daily lives as usual. Kurumi is also doing well despite the unpleasant weather.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


Kurumi is sleeping for longer periods of time. He is fine before and after meal times, but as soon as he finishes his meal he falls asleep. They say dogs spend a lot of time sleeping, but that time is getting longer. We have bought a small fan to create a slightly cooler environment. Recently, the performance of the rechargeable battery has improved, so it can be used for a long time. Cordless fans are easy to carry and can be used in the changing room after bathing.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

クルミくんの体重は 2.1kg でした。先月の健診時と変わっていません。クルミくんは小さな犬です。今日も獣医さんに検診してもらってきました。寂しがりやさんですが、健康で助かっています。犬もこの暑さで熱中症を患うようです。今日も日本の多くの場所で猛暑となりました。午後、2 階の部屋は 36℃にまで上がっていて驚きです。24 時間稼働している録画装置も空冷のファンがうるさく回転していました。

Kurumi weighed 2.1 kg. This is unchanged from last month’s check-up. Kurumi is a small dog. Today, he had another check-up at the vet. Kurumi is a lonely dog, but we are grateful that he is healthy. Dogs also seem to suffer heat stroke in this heat. It was extremely hot again today in many parts of Japan. In the afternoon, the temperature in the upstairs room rose to a surprising 36 °C. The air-cooled fans of the recording equipment, which runs 24 hours a day, were spinning noisily.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


I went out shopping this afternoon. The outside temperature on the car display shows a little higher, but it was still very hot today, more than human body temperature. The forecast says that tomorrow the temperature will be much higher and a special heat stroke alert may be issued. When this alert is issued, companies have to take action against their employees and residents. This law was only recently enacted. We did not expect it to get so hot. Kurumi lives comfortably in an air-conditioned room.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


Yesterday morning, while Kurumi was still sleeping, I went out and back to home late at night, and Kurumi-kun was already asleep. I took the train to work for the first time in a long time. The row of ginkgo trees was creating a pleasant shade. The night was a banquet with old friends. I was able to spend a good time with friends from Hokkaido.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | 今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi はコメントを受け付けていません

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


It is another hot season came already. It is called as a break in the rainy season, but today was another very hot day with strong sunshine. The TV weather forecast is calling it ‘record-breaking hot’ and it seems that records are being broken every year. I was going to wash the car in the afternoon, but I gave up today because I didn’t want to get heat stroke. Kurumi lived well today. He ate well, slept well and barked a lot.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


I went shopping with my wife. We decided to go into a coffee shop that we had been curious about for a while. This coffee shop has been in business since the Showa period, but the interior was very clean. They have a band that plays live music from time to time. I had a set of straight coffee and pudding. It felt like a step back in time. Kurumi was begging for food again today. Kurumi is always hungry.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今日で前期の講義が終わりました。12 回、英語通訳の講座に通うことができました。昨年は翻訳の講義を受けたのですが、どちらも私にとっては新鮮な話題を扱っていただいてとても興味が湧きました。社会人として長い年月、英語を使う機会がありましたが、通訳理論を知っていたらもっと上手に会話ができたと思います。単に英語を日本語にするのではなく、その場の人たちのことを考えて訳す必要があります。後期はお休みをいただいて、私が日本語を指導する側に回ります。企業実習生を相手とした「日本語の会」に参加してみることにしました。そこでも英会話が役立つかもしれません。クルミくんは今日も私たちの近くでのんびりと暮らしています。

Today marks the end of the first semester of lectures; I have been able to attend 12 English interpreting courses.Last year, I attended a lecture on translation, and both of them dealt with topics that were new to me and I found them very interesting. I have had the opportunity to use English for many years as a business person, but I think I would have been able to converse better if I had known the theory of interpretation. I don’t just translate English into Japanese, I need to think about the people in the place with situation. In the second semester, I will take a break and I will be the one teaching Japanese. I have decided to take part in a ‘Japanese language group’ for company trainees. English conversation may be useful there too. Kurumi is living comfortably near us today.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

朝から雨が降ったり止んだりの一日でした。地方では大雨の被害も出ているようで心配です。今年も「記録的な」という言葉が聞かれています。年々、気象の変化が激しくなっていて安心できません。嬉しいニュースは H3 ロケットの打ち上げが成功したことです。国産の大型ロケットで、今回は地球観測衛生を宇宙に送り出すことができて、気象観測の改善に期待されています。クルミくんは今日も元気に暮らしています。

It has been raining on and off since morning. It is worrying that there is some damage from heavy rain in the region. The word ‘record-breaking’ has been heard again this year. The weather is changing more and more every year and we cannot rest assured. The good news is that the H3 rocket was successfully launched. It is a large domestic rocket, and this time it was able to send the Earth Observation Hygiene into space, which is expected to improve weather observation. Kurumi is doing well today.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

東京都知事選挙を来週末に控えています。今回は 56 名という記録的多数の立候補者が出ています。中には AI を活用して本人の顔は出さないような候補までいて、時代を感じます。妻と私は今日、期日前投票をしてきました。報道の速報によると、小池、蓮舫、石丸、田母神の 4 氏の争いとなっているようです。71 歳の小池氏は現職で再選を狙っていますが、 41 歳の石丸氏の演説を聞いていると、私は若い人に政治を牽引していってもらいたいと思う気持ちが強くなってきます。クルミくんは今日も元気に暮らしています。湿度が高く、外に出ることはしません。エアコンが効いた室内でのんびりと時間を楽しんでいます。

The Tokyo gubernatorial election is scheduled for next weekend. A record number of 56 candidates have been nominated this time. Some of the candidates are even using AI so that their faces will not be shown, which gives a sense of the times. Today, My wife and I voted on the day before the election. According to preliminary news reports, it appears to be a four-way race between Koike, Renho, Ishimaru and Tamogami: 71-year-old Koike is the incumbent and is seeking re-election, but listening to 41-year-old Ishimaru’s speech, I feel a strong desire for a younger person to lead the political process. Kurumi is doing well today. It is humid and he does not go outside. He is enjoying his time in the air-conditioned room.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする