今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


It’s the weekend, but I was working in the morning. The program I’ve been thinking about all week is almost complete. I’m relieved that it works well. I can’t help but worry when the program doesn’t work. I remember that when I was a manager in the design department, I was working with the human resources department on the issue of overtime hours for employees. If I think about how to make the program work around the clock, does that count as overtime? It’s a difficult issue because working hours are not just about moving your hands and feet. Under Japanese law, engineers and researchers are still managed by time, and they are not evaluated solely on results. I was thinking about that. Kurumi is living a healthy life today. He plays a little before and after mealtime, but he has lost interest in toys.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


I woke up to the sound of rain this morning. Now that the rainy season is here, I’ve noticed that the weather is different from how it used to be. During the rainy season, it used to rain every day, but things aren’t the same these days. Suddenly, it rains heavily, and then there are consecutive sunny days. The temperature changes are becoming more drastic. It was cool today, but the weather is forecast to be hot and sunny from the beginning of next week. Today was my last day at work at the end of the month. I only had a short amount of time to play with Kurumi.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


It was another hot and humid day, but we went for a drive with my sister-in-law. We wanted to go back to the place we visited last year to pick cherries, but the bad weather around spring this year resulted in poor flowering and a poor cherry crop, so the event was cancelled. I had no choice but to join the tourists and take a walk in the park. Overtourism is a hot topic, and we experienced it. The souvenir stands were also full of foreigners, with so few Japanese that we could count them. Kurumi seems a little tired after being out for so long.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


I worked from home all day today. I sat for a long time, so in the evening I went outside for a short walk. Smoke tree flowers were blooming. I use my head when I work on programming. Before I realised it, it was evening and I was getting tired. Kurumi was relaxing near me today.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


Summer vegetables are getting delicious. We were able to harvest snap beans with our planter cultivation. It’s a small amount, but it’s a side dish for dinner. Many vegetables are also growing in the field. Today was also a hot and humid day. Kurumi barked and made a lot of noise again today, and then fell asleep.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


In the afternoon, the university teacher contacted us and informed us that tomorrow’s classes will be cancelled. The reason is that the teacher is not feeling well. Next week will be the last class of the season, so we hope he will recover by then. Kurumi has been trimmed and is looking beautiful. It was as hot as midsummer today. I feel summer when I see the white clouds in the blue sky.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

日本に来ている技能実習生を相手にしたボランティア活動に参加することにしました。日本語を学習して認定試験に挑戦している彼らの手助けをするのですが、日本語の検定試験は N5 から N1 のレベルがああり「読み」と「書き」の問題が出されます。N1 レベルでは日本人でも 70~80 点の平均得点のようです。この機会に私も学習しながらボランティア活動をしてみようと思います。クルミくんは気温が少し下がった今日は気分も良いようでよく眠っています。

I decided to participate in volunteer activities dealing with technical intern trainees coming to Japan. I help them who are learning Japanese and challenging the certification exam, but the Japanese language certification exam has a level from N5 to N1, and “reading” and “writing” questions are given. At the N1 level, even Japanese people seem to have an average score of 70 to 80 points. I will take this opportunity to do volunteer activities while learning. As for Kurumi, it’s temperature has dropped a little, and he seems to be feeling good today and is sleeping well.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

クルミくんは処方食として KD という腎臓機能を助ける食事を摂っています。この KD は水分が多く、食後、歯に多く残ってしまいます。そこで食後に歯磨き用のガムを噛ませています。クルミくんはこのガムが大好きでよく噛んでくれます。効果があるようで、クルミくんの歯は綺麗になってきました。クルミくんの噛む力が強いので、私は噛まれないように注意しなければなりません。

Kurumi is on a prescription diet called KD, which helps kidney function. This KD contains a lot of water and leaves a lot of residue on the teeth after eating. So I give Kurumi gum to chew after meals to help him brush his teeth. Kurumi loves this gum and chews it well. It seems to be effective and his teeth are getting cleaner. He is a strong chewer, so I have to be careful not to let him bite me.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

Perplexityという新しい検索エンジンというか回答モデルを息子から聴いて、早速アプリをインストールしてみた。すぐに Google や Yahoo を使ってしまうが、今ではもっとスマートなツールが多くある。新しいものにこれからも挑戦してみようと思う。クルミくんは良く眠っていた。今日は少し涼しく過ごしやすい一日だった。雨も降り出した。梅雨になるかもしれない。

I heard a new search engine or answer model called Perplexity from my son and installed the app right away. I use Google and Yahoo soon, but now there are many smarter tools. I’m going to continue to try new things. Kurumi was sleeping well. Today was a little cooler and easy to spend. It also started to rain. It may be the rainy season.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする

今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

旧友の I さんからのメールで彼がバセドウ病に罹患したと知りました。気分が優れないので食事会の誘いを断ってきた。以前の会社で長くにわたって一緒に設計の仕事をしてきた I さんはいつも元気だった。退職した後は晴耕雨読の生活をしていた。晴れた日は畑仕事をしていつも陽に焼けた顔をしていたが、今はどうしているのだろうか。しばらく会って居なかったので心配している。寛解までには長い年月がかかる病気らしい。いつもの元気で頑張ってもらいたいものだ。クルミくんは 5 分もすると一人ではいられずに吠えて私たちを呼ぶ。寂しがりやに育ててしまった。今日も私が仕事をしている間、足元の近くでのんびりしていた。

I found out he had Graves’ disease through an email from an old friend, Mr I. I was told that he had been diagnosed with Graves’ disease. He declined an invitation to a dinner party because he was not feeling well. Mr I, who had worked with me in design for many years at our former company, was always in good health. After he retired, he lived as easy. On sunny days, he worked in the fields and always looked sunburnt. I am worried because I haven’t seen him for a while. I heard that the disease takes many years to go into remission. I hope he is doing well and doing his best. Kurumi can’t stay alone for more than five minutes, so he barks and calls for us. I have raised him to be lonely. Today, too, while I was working, he was relaxing near my feet.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと | コメントする