早いもので 2 月になってしまいました。クルミくんは寝ている期間が長くなりましたが毎日、相変わらずの生活をしています。右目の白濁が進んできたために時々、家具にぶつかりながら歩いています。夜は私たちと一緒のベッドで暖かくしてあげています。皮下点滴は 1 日おきになっています。私は昨年の光熱費を計算してみました。売電価格が低いので自宅で発電した電気は昼間に湯沸かしをして、なるべく使うようにしました。また電気会社を変えたために支払った電気料金は大幅に削減でき、太陽光発電を入れる前の半額程度になっています。30 ヶ月乗ってきた電気自動車ですが、これまでに 5,400 kw 充電し 24,000 km 走りました。平均 4.3 km/kw で、充電価格にすると 25 円で 4.3 km 走ったこととなり、ガソリンに比べて大幅に経費を抑えています。先週は修理のために代車を運転しましたが、これも電気自動車でした。
Time flies, and it’s already February. Kurumi has been sleeping for longer periods, but he continues his daily routine as usual. His right eye has become more cloudy, so he sometimes bumps into furniture while walking. At night, we keep him warm by letting him sleep with us in our bed. His subcutaneous fluid injections are now given every other day. I calculated last year’s utility costs. Since the electricity selling price is low, we tried to use as much of the electricity generated at home as possible by heating water during the daytime. Additionally, by switching electricity providers, we significantly reduced our electricity bills, bringing them down to about half of what they were before installing solar panels. I’ve been driving an electric vehicle for 30 months, during which I charged it with 5,400 kWh and drove 24,000 km. On average, it achieved 4.3 km per kWh, meaning that at a charging cost of 25 yen per kWh, I could drive 4.3 km for 25 yen, making it much more cost-effective than gasoline. Last week, I drove a loaner car while mine was being repaired, and it was also an electric vehicle.