今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

写真撮影を楽しんでいる息子を連れて払沢の滝を訪れました。今日も蒸し暑い日でした。駐車場から滝までの間、小川沿いを 15 分ほど歩きます。道が良く無いのでクルミくんは抱かれたままなのですが、暑いのでお互いに疲れてしまいました。それでも滝の近くでは涼しい風が吹き、疲れた身体を癒してくれます。息子は早速、三脚を使って滝の写真を撮り始めていました。今日は週末なので、この涼を求めて多くの人が訪れていました。来週後半にはこの暑さも終わりを迎えると予報が出ています。もう一週間、我慢の日々が続きそうです。

We visited the waterfall called “Hossawa-No-Taki” with our son, he has been enjoying taking photos. It was another hot day today. We had to walk along the stream for about 15 minutes from the parking lot to reach the waterfall. The path was not in good condition, so our dog, Kurumi had to be carried, and both of us were tired due to the heat. Nevertheless, near the waterfall, a cool breeze was blowing and provided some relief for our tired bodies. My son promptly started taking photos of the waterfall using the tripod. Since it’s the weekend, many people had come seeking this coolness. The weather forecast predicts that this heat will come to an end by the latter part of next week. It looks like we’ll have to endure another week of this heat.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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