今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

3 日前にモロッコで発生した地震の規模はマグニチュード 6.8 という非常に大きな地震でした。今日の時点で 2,900 人もの人が命を落としています。そして今もなお行方がわからない人が多いので、もっと多くの人が命を失ったと思われます。モロッコでは過去 100 年以上も地震が無かったために住宅は耐震設計が施工されていなかったようです。日本の南岸沖でも同じような規模の地震がこの先 30 年以内に発生することが想定されています。テレビの報道番組を通じてモロッコの現状を見ることができますが、近い将来の私たちを見ているようで背筋が冷たくなりました。クルミくんは食事に整腸剤を混ぜて食べさせるようになってからお通じの調子が良くなっています。最近は餌に塗せられた整腸剤の匂いも気にならなくなってきたようです。

The earthquake that occurred in Morocco three days ago had a magnitude of 6.8, making it a very large earthquake. As of today, approximately 2,900 people have lost their lives, and many more are still unaccounted for, so it is believed that even more lives may have been lost. Morocco had not experienced an earthquake for over 100 years, which is why the buildings were not constructed with earthquake-resistant designs. A similar-scale earthquake is anticipated to occur off the southern coast of Japan within the next 30 years. I’ve been able to see the current situation in Morocco through television news programs, and it feels like we are glimpsing into our own future, scaring me alot.
Regarding Kurumi, ever since we started mixing a digestive aid into his meals, his digestion has improved. Recently, he seems to have become less bothered by the smell of the digestive aid applied to his food.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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