今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


Today is Monday, and it’s scorching hot as the beginning of the week, and it looks like we’ll have hot days throughout this week as well. The weather has been quite unstable. When it started to rain a bit, I hurriedly brought in the laundry, and when the sun came out again, I hung the laundry back out, all while keeping an eye on the sky. It was a day of constantly checking the weather. In the evening, the clear blue sky spread out, so I took a short walk. I’m grateful for the coolness in the morning and evening. Japanese athletes are doing well in the world of sports – soccer, rugby, baseball, and track and field – so I was happy to see that news. Kurumi was with me again today, lively and in good spirits.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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