今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今週始まった WBC では日本が中国、韓国を相手に連勝しています。普段は野球中継を見ない妻も今回は楽しそうにテレビを観て楽しんでいます。野球が好きになる人が増えそうです。

I washed off the pollen scattered on the car again this morning. I hope this season passes quickly. The temperature has been high for the past few days, and many flowers have come to be seen.
Kurumi is doing well today. He is nervous when it’s time to eat. And after eating, he took a nap near me.
In the WBC that started this week, Japan is winning consecutively against China and South Korea. My wife usually doesn’t watch baseball games, but she enjoys watching TV this time. It seems that more and more people will like baseball.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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