今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

ショッピングセンターのドッグランに入ることができるように、クルミを登録してもらいました。3 ヶ月前に来た時は狂犬病の接種記録を持っていなかったので、今日になってしまいました。小さなドッグランですが、全面に人工芝が敷き詰められていて清潔に保たれています。これからは季節が良くなるのでクルミと買い物に来るのが楽しみです。

I had Kurumi registered so he could enter the shopping center dog run. When I came here three months ago, I didn’t have a rabies vaccination record, so I’m here today again. It’s a small dog run, but the entire surface is covered with artificial grass and kept clean. The season is getting better from now on, so I’m looking forward to coming shopping with Kurumi.
The illustration displayed on the control panel of the car has changed, and it now displays the lighting of the brake lamp. I was worried that the brake lights would be on even when I was driving in a mode where the brakes would be applied when the accelerator pedal was released, but it’s convenient because I can check with this.
After returning from shopping, I did garden work with my wife. This year we picked a small kumquat. Daffodil buds are getting bigger too.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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