今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

クルミの写真を撮り続けて 2 年になろうとしています。毎日、愛犬が中心の生活をして久しい私たち夫婦です。チャオ、クッキー、プリン、クルミと長年ヨークシャテリアと生活してきました。クルミは 13 歳、一番長生きの犬となりました。嬉しい年の瀬を迎えています。犬と一緒だと行動が限られますが、犬が与えてくれる癒しはそんな苦労も忘れさせてくれます。

I’ve been photographing Kurumi for almost two years now. It’s been a long time since we’ve been living with our dog every day. We have lived with Yorkshire Terriers for many years with Chiao, Cookie, Purin, and Kurumi. At 13 years old, Kurumi became the longest-lived dog in our history. Happy New Year’s Eve. When we are with a dog, our actions are limited, but the healing that a dog gives us makes forget about that hardship.
My sister-in-law came to help my wife again today. She washed my wife’s body saying that it was to remove the dirt of the year. I am truly grateful. In this way, we welcome the new year with gratitude for being able to live while being supported by everyone.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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