朝は短い時間でしたが陽射しがありました。その後、曇り出して、午後からは冷たい雨が降る寒い一日でした。私は 1 ヶ月後に迫った国家試験に向けて勉強を再開しています。技能試験では 13 の問題の中から出題されます。13 の問題を全て完璧にできるようにしなければなりません。後 5 週間、頑張ってみます。
In the morning, it was short but the sun was shining. After that, it turned cloudy and it was a cold day with cold rain in the afternoon. I am resuming my studies for the upcoming national exam in a month. The technical test is the one of 13 questions. Thus I must be able to do all 13 cases perfectly. I’ll try my best in the next 5 weeks.
I had time to play with Kurumi using toys again today. It’s reassuring to see Kurumi being relatively stable today. He was relaxing in the warmth of the stove that I put fire in from the evening.