今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

銀杏並木が黄色く色づきました。毎年恒例の祭りが開催されています。今年は行動制限も無く、露店が多く出ていました。この銀杏並木ができて今年で 95 年になるそうです。黄色い葉は冬には全て落ちてしまい、春には綺麗な若葉を見ることができます。夏にかけて剪定された枝がぐんぐんと伸びるのを見ていると壮観です。秋には多くの銀杏が実ります。露店で銀杏を買いました。息子夫婦が来た時に一緒に食べたことを思い出しています。

Ginkgo trees turned yellow. An annual festival is held here. There were no restrictions on movement this year, and there were many stalls. This year marks the 95th anniversary of the line of ginkgo trees. All the yellow leaves fall off in winter, and beautiful young leaves can be seen in spring. It is spectacular to see the pruned branches growing steadily over the summer. Many ginkgo nuts fruit in autumn. I bought ginkgo nuts at a stall. I remember eating with my son and his wife when they came.
Kurumi is sleeping well today, but he wakes up when it’s time to eat and asks if he knows the clock. He could feel the warmth of the sun even at the window side today, so I tried to keep Kurumi inside. I hope he stays stable.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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