今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

朝降っていた雨は正午前にはすっかり止んで青空が広がりました。陽の光によって木々の紅葉がとても綺麗に映えています。ご近所の T さん宅にお邪魔してサポートをした帰りに少し歩くことができました。

The rain that had been falling in the morning had completely stopped before noon and the blue sky spread out. The leaves of the trees are beautifully illuminated by the sunlight. I was able to walk a little on the way home from visiting T-san in the neighborhood to support them.
I read the self disaster prevention manual and materials distributed to all houses in this area, took out the emergency goods that I have, and checked them out. Radio with built-in generator was alive and well. We hope nothing happens, but we must prepare for the disaster that is sure to come.
Kurumi becomes quite lonely because we are always with him, but Kurumi is calm today as well.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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