今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今日は息子夫婦を空港に出迎えるために少し忙しい日となりました。昨日までの旅行で車の充電量が減っていたので早朝から充電作業を終えました。午前中の活動を終えて空港に向かい、途中のサービスエリアで昼食をとりながら再度充電しました。電池の寿命を考えるとこまめに充電を行った方が良いことを知りました。それ以来 50% を下回ったら充電するようにしています。空港までの道すがらラジオから「男性の更年期障害」という言葉が聞こえてきました。最近、私も仕事を終えてから気になっていることがあります。一度、受診してみようかと思いました。

Today was a little busy day to meet my son and his wife at the airport. I finished charging work early in the morning because the amount of charge in the car had decreased during the trip up to yesterday. After completing the morning activities, I headed to the airport and recharged my battery while having lunch at a service area on the way. Considering the life of the battery, I learned that it is better to charge it frequently. Since then, I charge it when it drops below 50%. On the way to the airport, I heard the words “male menopause” on the radio. Recently, I’ve been wondering about something after finishing work. I thought I would check it out once.
I didn’t have much time with Kurumi today, but I took care of him in the early morning and he was doing well. My son and his wife came to my home and Kurumi is also happy.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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