今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今日は朝から陽射しが強く、とても暖かい日となりました。息子夫婦が家に来て賑やかに時間を過ごしています。クルミも嬉しそうにしています。午後、木々が秋の色に染まっていくのを眺めながら M さんのお宅を訪ねました。歩いていても汗をかくことがなく、とても気持ちよく散歩を楽しむことができました。

The sunlight was strong from the morning today, and it was a very warm day. My son and his wife were coming home and having a lively time. Kurumi looks happy too. In the afternoon, I visited M-san’s house while watching the trees turn to autumn colors. I didn’t sweat even when I was walking, and I was able to enjoy my walk very comfortably.
Kurumi is wearing a red clothes and looking happy. It’s nice to have many people at home and constant laughter. Thank you to my son and wife they came from afar again this time.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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