同期会 / Reunion


We are alumni since we entered in 1970 and are good playmates. For a while, we met at an annual Mahjong trip and New Year party. One person who lives in the Tohoku region has been also participated. I’m grateful that I have friends who can talk freely. One person who reached the retirement age this year was decided going to Hokkaido then we had a send-off party around him. It seems that he was longing for a new place since he was born and living in the same place. I think the winter cold is severe, but I felt a certain longing for him to travel for new discoveries. For this reason, we may not meet at the same frequency as before. I would like to think about going to Hokkaido together. In commemoration from him he made a stuffed toy like a professional, we had a gift.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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