今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


It’s the weekend, but I was working in the morning. The program I’ve been thinking about all week is almost complete. I’m relieved that it works well. I can’t help but worry when the program doesn’t work. I remember that when I was a manager in the design department, I was working with the human resources department on the issue of overtime hours for employees. If I think about how to make the program work around the clock, does that count as overtime? It’s a difficult issue because working hours are not just about moving your hands and feet. Under Japanese law, engineers and researchers are still managed by time, and they are not evaluated solely on results. I was thinking about that. Kurumi is living a healthy life today. He plays a little before and after mealtime, but he has lost interest in toys.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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