今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

妻と結婚して今年で 49 年になります。世帯を持ってから今まで新聞を購読してきました。これまで同じ新聞社の紙面を読んできたのですが、今月でお断りすることにしました。理由はいくつかありますが、今は世論のことを知る方法は紙面に限らず、他の便利な手段が増えたことが決め手となりました。今日も新聞配達の人に声をかけられましたが、決意は変わらず、今月末で新聞購読を取り止めます。朝、会社に行く私を見てクルミくんは少し寂しそうでした。

My wife and I have been married for 49 years this year. We have subscribed to newspapers since we have had a household until now. We have been reading the same paper for some time now, but have decided to decline this month. There are several reasons for this, but the deciding factor was that nowadays the way to find out about public opinion is not limited to the paper, but other convenient means have increased. Today I was approached by the newspaper delivery man again, but my resolve remains the same: I will cancel my newspaper subscription at the end of this month. Kurumi looked a little sad when he saw me going to work in the morning.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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