今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今朝は庭に置いてあるバードバスの水が凍っていました。昨夜から明け方にかけて零下まで気温が低下したようです。昼間は陽射しがあって暖かいのですが、夕方から陽が陰ると急に寒くなってきました。来週は少し気温が上がるようです。昼間、暖かいうちに焚き付け用の薪を準備しました。クルミくんは 14 歳の誕生日を来週に控えて今日も元気です。

The water in the birdbath in the garden was frozen this morning. It seems that the temperature dropped below zero from last night to dawn. It was warm during the daytime because of the sunshine, but it suddenly became cold in the evening when the sun went down. The temperature is expected to rise a little next week. During the daytime, while it was still warm, I prepared firewood for the fire starter. Kurumi is in high spirits as he prepares to celebrate his 14th birthday next week.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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