今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

信号機の電球が LED に変わって何年が経つか忘れてしまいましたが、良く見ると光っていない LED が目立つようになってきました。複数の小さな LED が集まっています。今後、これらの交換作業が始まることでしょう。今夜は今年 1 回目の忘年会でした。鮨屋の小上がりで時を忘れて会話が弾みました。帰宅途中、屋台のラーメンに誘われそうになりましたが、我慢して帰宅、風呂で身体を温めることにしました。クルミくんは今日も相変わらず元気です。すこしずつおもちゃで遊ぶことを始めました。

I forget how long it has been since traffic light bulbs were replaced by LEDs, but if I look closely, I can see some LEDs that are not glowing. There are several small LEDs clustered together. It will probably start replacing them in the future. Tonight was the first year-end party for this year. We had a great conversation at a small sushi restaurant, forgetting about the time. On the way home, I was almost tempted to try ramen from a street vendor, but I decided to resist and go home to warm myself in the bath. Kurumi is as energetic as ever today. He has started to play with his toys a little more.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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