今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


Kurumi has not been feeling well since this morning. It may be due to the sudden temperature change yesterday, but he’s been having stomach issues, so we decided to give up on long outings. We had planned to go to the airport to see off our son, but we decided to keep Kurumi at home. Even for us humans, this temperature change is quite surprising. It might have been tough for little Kurumi with his small body. It’s not severe enough to take him to the vet, but today, we decided to have him stay quietly at home. I made a round trip to the airport, and luckily, the highway was empty at the time, so I went smoothly and returned. Our son, he lives in a foreign country, we’ll have to say goodbye for a while until we can meet again next month.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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