今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi


We took a walk around the precincts of Zojoji Temple with Kurumi before checking out. It was muggy from the morning, and even though we walked only a little, we ended up sweating. I was able to have a conversation with a couple of tourists from Australia they were visiting to enjoy the sights and had been kind to Kurumi. It seemed like they were enjoying their first visit to Japan, but they were struggling with the heat. I informed them to be cautious as there was forecasted rain in the afternoon today. When I saw a sign in front of a meat wholesale store near the hotel with a kanji character I couldn’t read, I looked it up after returning home and found out it reads ‘koushi’ (calf). Kurumi’s eyes have been becoming whiter. He’s been avoiding the strong sunlight, so it might be better to skip walks in this kind of weather.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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