今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

午後のお茶を近くのカフェで妻と楽しみました。かき氷がメニューにあったので注文してしまいました。今年初のかき氷です。食べていても頭が痛くなることはありません。氷の温度を 0 ℃近くにしているのでしょう。ふわっとした氷の中には生クリームが入っていて、いちごのシロップと混ぜて美味しくいただきました。

I enjoyed afternoon tea with my wife at a nearby café. They had shaved ice on the menu, so we couldn’t resist ordering it. It was our first shaved ice of the year. Surprisingly, it didn’t give us brain freeze, probably because they kept the ice temperature close to 0°C. The fluffy ice was topped with whipped cream and mixed with strawberry syrup, making it delicious. It was a treat!
Today was also Kurumi’s monthly check-up at the vet. The vet listened to his chest, trimmed his nails, and Kurumi seems a bit tired again today. We’re grateful that he can get checked by the vet every month.”

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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