今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

妻と一緒に友人の Y-san のお宅を訪ねました。先週、奥様を亡くされた Y-San に会って、故奥様の遺影を前にお線香をあげてきました。今日の朝刊に「安楽死」についての記事がありました。人間はいつかその命を終えます。その終わりに苦しまないことを願っています。世界では「安楽死」を積極的に受け入れる国が増えてきています。医療が発達した側面かも知れませんが、延命に苦しむ患者が増えていることも事実と聞きます。私より若い Y-San がこれからも元気に過ごされることを祈っています。

I visited our friend Y-san’s house with my wife. Last week, we met Y-san, who had lost his wife, and offered incense in front of her portrait. In today’s morning paper, there was an article about ‘euthanasia.’ Humans will eventually come to the end of their lives, and I hope they won’t suffer at the end. In the world, there are increasing numbers of countries actively accepting ‘euthanasia.’ It may be due to advances in medical care, but I also hear that there is an increase in patients suffering from the prolongation of life. I pray that Y-san, who is younger than me, continues to live a healthy life.
Kurumi was a bit upset because he had been waiting for us at home for a long time, but after having a meal and playing with his toys for a while, he fell asleep.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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