今朝スマホに届いたメッセージを見て驚きました。友人 Y さんの奥様が他界されたという訃報でした。私たちが米国に赴任中に一緒に時間を共にした彼らとはそれ以来、家族同士のお付き合いをしてきました。最近は年賀状の交換だけで会う機会が無かったのですが、彼女が療養中だったことを知りました。私たちよりも若い彼ら、あまりにも早いお別れとなりました。心よりお悔やみを申し上げます。クルミくんは今日も元気に私に甘えていました。
I was taken aback when I looked at the message that arrived on my smartphone this morning. It was a notice informing me that Y-san’s wife, a friend of ours, had passed away. Since the time we spent together while stationed in the United States, we had maintained a close relationship between our families. Although we hadn’t had the chance to meet in person recently, we exchanged New Year’s greetings, and I had learned that she was undergoing medical treatment. They were younger than us, and it’s such a premature farewell. My heartfelt condolences go out to them. Today, Kurumi was still lively and seeking affection from me.