今日はまた、朝から冷たい雨が降る涼しい一日でした。昨日から気温が 15℃も下がって、夜はストーブで部屋を温めるくらいに涼しくなりました。気温の変化が激しい日々が続きます。体調を悪くする人も多いようです。今年はスーパーエルニーニョ現象が発生すると言われています。夏はもっと変化が激しい気候になるかも知れません。
Today was another cool day with cold rain from the morning. The temperature has dropped by 15 degrees Celsius since yesterday, and at night it’s cool enough to heat the room with a stove. There have been days with extreme temperature changes. It seems that many people get sick. It is said that a super El Niño phenomenon will occur this year. Summer can be even more volatile.
Kurumi crawled into bed and slept all day because it was cold.