今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

毎年 5 月の連休の間にガスストーブを仕舞うのですが、今年はまだ仕舞えません。今日も朝晩はストーブを点けてしまいました。クルミは寒さに弱いのでどうしてもストーブに頼ってしまいます。今日は冷たい雨の一日でした。

Every year during the consecutive holidays in May, I put away the gas stove, but this year I can’t do it yet. I turned on the stove in the morning and evening again today. Kurumi is vulnerable to cold, so he relys on the stove. Today was a cold rainy day.
I went out to eat with my wife tonight. This intimate restaurant is our favourite. We had a delicious meal tonight and enjoyed the conversation.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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