今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

M さんに頼まれてパソコンの整備を行っています。この地域の方々にパソコンを教えた頃からの知り合いです。その当時、パソコンの買い替えを相談されて、この機種を提案しました。10 年近く前のことになります。当時、少し高額だったのですが、64 bit の CPU にしておいて良かったと思います。Microsoft は推奨していないのですが、最新の Windows 11 を入れてみることにしました。

I am doing computer maintenance at the request of M-san. I’ve known her since I taught people in this area how to use computers. At that time, I was consulted about buying a new computer, and I proposed this model. It was nearly 10 years ago. At that time, it was a little expensive, but I think it was good to have a 64-bit CPU. Although not recommended by Microsoft, I decided to try the latest Windows 11.
Kurumi is taking medicine morning and evening. He was having a hard time sleeping last night, but today he’s taking a nap a lot, probably because the temperature has dropped a little. I hope his stomach feels better.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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