今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

気がつくと夜、今日は残業をしてしまいました。リモートで働いていると時間の余裕があるのですが、続けて作業をしてしまい、ついつい遅くなってしまうことが多いです。5 日間続いた雨はあがったのですが、肌寒い一日でした。

Before I knew it, I had to work overtime today. Working remotely gives me a lot of time, but I often end up working continuously and getting late. After five days of rain, it was still a chilly day.
Kurumi was staring at me in front of the living room door as if he wanted to go to the garden with me. The garden is wet from the rain until yesterday, so I’m giving up. Kurumi had no choice but to fall asleep. I hope it will be a little warmer tomorrow.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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