今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

妻に棚を作ってほしいと言われて準備を始めました。材料を近くの DIY 店で買い、寸法に合わせて切断してもらいました。後の加工は天気が良くなるのを待って自分でやります。この週末は雨が降り続いて家の外でやる仕事はお預けです。

My wife asked me to make a shelf, so I started preparing. I bought the materials at a local DIY store and had them cut to size. I will wait for the weather to get better and do the rest of the work myself. It’s been raining this weekend and I’m putting off work outside the house.
Kurumi is almost deaf anymore. Keep him within his sight range when playing with his toys. He used to be able to find toys in the direction of the sound. He was able to play chasing a small ball today.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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