今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今日も朝からテレビでは昨日行われた WBC の決勝戦のことが報道され続けています。そして、夕方には選手たちが帰国してきました。多くの日本国民に喜び、感動、勇気を与えてくれた選手たちに私も感謝しています。

It’s been a chilly day with cold rain since the morning today. It’s a cold day that changes from yesterday’s warmth and needs a stove. My wife had chosen a slightly warmer outfit for Kurumi, but in the end she decided to dress him in the same clothes as yesterday.
Since this morning, TV has continued to report on the WBC finals that took place yesterday. In the evening, the players returned Japan. I am also grateful to the players they gave joy, excitement and courage to many Japanese people.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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