今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

アメリカ、マイアミの球場で開催された WBC の決勝戦で日本はアメリカを下し、優勝することができました。朝からのテレビ放映を見ていた人は多かったと思います。優勝が決まった瞬間、私は妻と病院の待合室にいました。壁に掛けられたテレビの前には多くの人がいて、優勝が決まった瞬間は拍手が湧きました。昨年のサッカーに続き、スポーツ界には嬉しい話題が続きました。

In the WBC finals held at a stadium in Miami USA, Japan defeated the USA and was able to win the championship. I think there were a lot of people who were watching the TV broadcast from the morning. My wife and I were at the hospital waiting room when the championship was announced. There were many people in front of the TV hanging on the wall, and the moment the winner was decided, applause erupted. Following last year’s soccer, the sports world continued to be a happy topic.
Recently, Kurumi seems to be lonely when he is alone and will soon come to us. We raised him like this, but even Kurumi has a small body gets tired when he sits on my lap for a long time. I take it down from my lap when he falls asleep, but it’s like handling a human baby.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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