今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

会社の会議室には窓がありません。従って、外の様子がわかりませんが、お昼を過ぎた頃からとても暖かくなってきて、気温が高かったことがわかりました。今日は 2 月の末日ですが、2 月にこのような気温になることは珍しかったようです。仕事を終えて外に出たら既に暗くなっていました。

Company meeting room does not have windows. Therefore, although I don’t know what it was like outside, it became very warm after noon, and I knew that the temperature was high. Today is the last day of February, and it seems that it was unusual to have such a temperature in February. It was already dark when I finished work and went outside.
Kurumi was waiting for my return today as well. It was a short time after dinner, but I was able to spend some time with him.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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