今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

相変わらずテレビの報道番組や新聞誌面ではウクライナとロシアの戦争について報じられています。とうとう 1 年が経過してしまいました。この期間に命を失った人の数は多く、使われた費用は莫大なものになっています。そして今でも高価な戦車や戦闘機の供与について議論されています。報じられる記事を読んでも術がありません。早く終わって欲しいと願うだけです。

TV news programs and newspapers continue to report on the war between Ukraine and Russia. One year has finally passed. The number of lives lost during this period is high and the costs incurred are enormous. And even now there are discussions about the supply of expensive tanks and fighter planes. There is no jutsu even if I read the reported article. I just wish it would be over soon.
In winter, the position of the sun is low, so the sun reaches the back of the room. In such a way, Kurumi was chilling. I hope Kurumi doesn’t have to worry about anything, but it seems like his greatest wish is to always have someone by his side.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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