今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今日は北風が強く吹く寒い一日でした。日照も少なく、冷え切った部屋はなかなか暖まりません。薪ストーブは火を点けてから 2 時間程度で全体が高温になってきます。温度が 250 ℃に達すると部屋全体に暖かい空気が満たされ始めます。今夜もこの暖かさに包まれて団欒を過ごします。

Today was a cold day with a strong north wind. There is little sunlight, and it is difficult to warm up a cold room. The wood-burning stove will reach a high temperature in about two hours after the fire is turned on. When the temperature reaches 250 degrees Celsius, warm air begins to fill the entire room. Tonight, we will spend our time together surrounded by this warmth.
Kurumi spent the day wearing a sweater. It was cold, so we decided to play in the garden for a short time.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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