2013 年、私が P 社に入社して以来これまで 10 年間一緒に仕事をしてきた F 氏が 3 月末で退社することを聞きました。F 氏とはシンガポールの会社の立ち上げで働いてきました。その会社は未だ成長の過程にあって、まだまだサポートが必要なのですが、残念なことです。後任の方も強いリーダーシップを発揮してくれることを願っています。
I heard that Mr. F, who I had been working with for 10 years since I joined Company P in 2013, would be leaving the company at the end of March. I have worked with Mr. F on the launch of a company in Singapore. The company is still in the process of growth and still needs support, which is unfortunate. I hope that his successor will demonstrate strong leadership.
Kurumi was doing well today as well. Sometimes I’m healed by the appearance of coming to my lap and pampering me.