今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

クルミには寒い思いをさせたくないと思い、過保護になってしまっているかも知れません。しかし、暖かい環境にしてやってからは体調が良いようです。13 歳の老犬は人間だと私よりも歳をとっている身体です。大切にしてやります。

It was freezing cold this morning. The water in the water lily bowl containing the goldfish was also frozen, and the goldfish were quiet under the ice. I have a throw-in heater in the water, but it doesn’t work well in this cold weather. TV news programs have also reported the effects of the cold wave that is occurring all over Japan. I can’t wait for the warm spring to come.
I may be overprotective because I don’t want Kurumi to feel cold. However, after putting him in a warm environment, it seems to be in good condition. A 13-year-old old dog is a body that is older than I am as a human being. I will cherish it.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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