今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

クルミは今日も元気です。クルミのベッドの温度を少し高めにするようにしてから調子が良いようです。13 歳を過ぎた老犬ですから気をつけて様子を見るようにしています。

I use the charging spot placed to the gas station. There is a vegetable store and a convenience store nearby, so I can take advantage of the waiting time for charging, so it’s convenient. I finished charging while I was buying vegetables and fruits at the store today. It was sunny in the morning, but became cloudy in the afternoon. Tomorrow is ′′ cold weather ′′ on the calendar. And the cold seems to cover the whole of Japan.
Kurumi is doing well today. It seems to be doing well after trying to raise the temperature of his bed a little higher. He is an old dog, over 13 years old, so I try to keep an eye on him.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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