今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今日は妻と食料品の買い物にでかけました。ショッピングセンターを歩いていたら M 氏に声をかけられました。彼とは以前の会社で一緒に医療機器の設計をした仲間でした。数年前に奥様を亡くされてからは仕事をやめて、主夫業に徹しているそうです。ご両親と同居されていて、家事に追われているそうです。今、私も家事に追われる毎日で、お互いに女性の存在の偉大さに共感してしまいました。

My wife and I went grocery shopping today. When I was walking in the shopping center, Mr. M called out to me. He was a colleague who designed medical equipment together at a previous company. After his wife died a few years ago, he quit his job and devoted himself to being a househusband. It seems that he lives with his parents and is being chased by housework. Now, I am also busy with housework every day, and we both sympathize with the greatness of women’s existence.
Kurumi stayed at home while we were out. It seems that he slept soundly in a warm bed. I didn’t have much time to play with Kurumi today either.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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