今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

太陽光発電システムを使って 1 年が経ちました。使用量と料金を一昨年と比べてみました。ウクライナとロシアの戦争の影響で電気とガスの料金が値上がりしたため、思ったような削減額にはなりませんでしたが、この値上げがなければ光熱費は半額程度に抑えれた結果です。しかし、投資した金額と同じ削減を得るには 20 年近くかかってしまいますが、二酸化炭素の削減は大きく、地球の温暖化を少しでも遅くすることに貢献できたと思うようにします。

It’s been a year since I started using the solar power system. I compared the amount of usage and the price the year before last. The price of electricity and gas increased due to the war between Ukraine and Russia, so the amount of reduction was not as expected. However, even though it would take nearly 20 years to get the same reduction as the amount invested, the reduction in carbon dioxide is significant, and I would like to think that I have contributed to slowing the global warming even a little.
Kurumi has been feeling a little down since the afternoon. But he has an appetite, so I’m relieved. He has this symptom from time to time, but I don’t know what causes it. I will keep our room warm today.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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