今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

クルミは私が世話をするようになって少し戸惑っているようです。朝の支度、日に 3 度の食事、どうして私がやっているのか、きっと不思議なのでしょう。クルミを少しでも外に出してやろうと思って気づいたら 4 時、既に陽は西に傾いていました。少し遊んだだけで寒かったのかクルミは家の中に逃げ込んでいきました。

The kitchen was the place I spent the most time on the day I spent all my time doing housework for my wife. From preparing the food to clearing the dishes, my legs were exhausted when I finished. I really feel how grateful I am for my wife. Tomorrow is a challenge to be able to prepare meals more efficiently.
Kurumi seems a little confused that I have come to care for him. Getting ready in the morning, eating three times a day, he must be wondering why I do this. Just as I was about to get Kurumi outside, I realized it was 4:00 already and the sun was already setting in the west. He ran into the house because it was cold just playing for a while.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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