今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

気付けば今日は 12月11日、今年も残すところ 20日となりました。最近は年の瀬を感じることが少なくなった気がします。気温が高いからなのかも知れません。今日も昼間は暖かく、妻と買い物の途中、最近開業した施設を訪れることができました。市の施設で、今後、多くの人を招く催し物を計画していくようです。私たちはその施設にある甘味処で休憩しました。

Today is December 11th already, and there are only 20 days left this year. I don’t feel the end of the year anymore these days. It may be because the temperature is higher. It was warm during the day, and I was able to visit the recently opened facility while shopping with my wife. It seems that the city will be planning an event that invites many people in the future. We took a rest at the sweets shop in the facility.
Kurumi has been stable lately he is doing well today. In the afternoon, Kurumi is relaxing on the sofa in the living room, wrapped in the warmth of the sun.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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