今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今日は久しぶりに友人との会食で電車で移動しています。最近、コロナウイルスの感染者が再び増加しています。日本では第 8 波が来ていると報じられ始めました。電車でも、街でも、人出が多く、以前のように賑やかになっています。違うのはマスクをほとんど全員の人が着けていることでしょう。来週オミクロンのワクチンを接種します。感染対策をして会食してきます。

Today I am traveling by train for dinner with friends for the first time in a while. Recently, the number of people infected with coronavirus is increasing again. It has begun to be reported that the 8th wave is coming in Japan. There are many people on the trains and on the streets, and it is as lively as before. The difference is that almost everyone is wearing a mask. I will be getting the Omicron vaccine next week. I’m going to have a dinner with the infection measures.
I was busy with work today and didn’t have time to spend with Kurumi. I have a dinner party tomorrow also, but I would like to have time to play with him during the day.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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