今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

クルミはいつものように少し疲れた顔をしていましたが、今日も元気に私たちと一緒に行動することができました。次に息子夫婦と 4 人で旅行する場所を帰りの車内で話していました。クルミも一緒に行ける所を検索してみます。

It was a beautiful day on the last day of our trip. We were able to see the blue sky and beautiful Mt.Fuji today, too. Driving with my son is a lot of fun exchanging driver. We had lunch at a lakeside restaurant, but the wind blowing across the surface of the water made us tremble. At the last charging point, there were a few cars already charging, so I gave up. It’s safe to have enough left battery charge to go home.
Kurumi looked a little tired as usual, but he was able to join us today in good spirits. I was talking with my son and his wife in the car on the way back about where we would like to travel next. I’ll try to find a place where we can go with Kurumi.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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