今日も気温が低い日となりましたが、今回の寒波は今日までで、明日は少し気温が上がるようです。寒くてもクルミは庭に出るのが好きです。小さい身体ですから長く出ていることは避けています。そしてクルミは今日の誕生日で 12 歳となりました。獣医さんの定期検診でも「おめでとう、健康ですね」とお祝いの言葉をいただきご機嫌でした。午後は疲れたのか妻の腕の中でうたた寝をしていました。
It was a cold day today again, but this cold wave is up to today, and it seems that the temperature will rise a little tomorrow. Kurumi likes to go out in the garden even when it’s cold. Because his body is small, I avoid staying him out for a long time. And Kurumi is 12 years old on today’s birthday. Even at the veterinarian’s regular examination, he was in a good mood with the congratulatory words, “Congratulations, you are healthy.” Maybe he was tired in the afternoon, Kurumi was napping in my wife’s arms.