今日は、私にとって今年最後の出勤日でした。今の仕事を始めてから来年の 2 月で 4 年が経過することになります。コロナ禍で職を失う人もいるのに、私はこうやって働けることに感謝しています。帰宅したらクルミは寒かったのか、ベットの中で昼寝をしていました。今日も気温が低い一日でした、夕方から薪ストーブで温まっています。会社は年末年始の休みに入ります。年明けは 5 日からとなります。休み中の宿題がありますが、すこしのんびりしようと思います。
Today was my last work day of the year. It will be four years since I started current job in February next year. I’m grateful to be able to work this way, even though some people lose their jobs due to the Corona situation. When I got home, Kurumi was probably cold, and he was taking a nap in his bed. It was a cold day today as well, and it has been warming up in the wood stove since the evening. The company is on holidays for the year-end and New Year holidays. The new year will start on the 5th. I have some homework during the holidays, but I’m going to take it easy.