今日も暑い日で、日中は 33 ℃まで気温が上がりました。まだ少し涼しい朝のうちに散歩をして道端に咲く雑草の花を見ていました。見上げると快晴の空です。そして樫の木には緑色の木の実ができていました。クルミは今日もおもちゃで遊んでいました。週末は家でのんびり、明日からまた頑張ります。
It was a hot day today, and the temperature up to 33 ° C during the day. I took a walk in the cool morning and saw the weeds blooming on the roadside. Looking up, it is a clear sky. And the oak tree had green nuts already. Kurumi was playing with toys today also. We were relaxed at home on weekends and I will work again from tomorrow.