今日は雨は降らず、曇り空の一日でした。朝、散歩をしているとツバメを多く見かけるようになりました。我が家の玄関先にもツバメが巣を作った時期がありますが、最近は来ません。この時期は巣作りで忙しい様子です。テレビのニュースではコロナウイルスのワクチン接種予約が大規模接種会場で始まったことを報じています。予約はインターネットか LINE のアプリケーションだけでしか行えないとのことで高齢者のなかにはは混乱する人も多いようです。世の中の流れに私も一生懸命ついて行きます。クルミは今日も食欲旺盛、元気な日を送っています。
It didn’t rain today but it was a cloudy day. When I was taking a walk in the morning, recently I see many swallows. There was a time when swallows made nests at the front door of my house, but they haven’t come recently. It looks like they are busy building nests during this time. The news reports on TV that coronavirus vaccination appointments have begun at large-scale vaccination sites in Tokyo and Osaka. It seems that many elderly people are confused because reservations can only be made via the Internet or the LINE application. I will keep up with the technology in the world. Kurumi has a strong appetite and a healthy day today.