最近、文京区本郷に新しい業務で来ています。昼食で歩いていたらこの像を見かけました。歴史のことは弱い私です。ネットから調べてみると、とても政治に影響力を与えた人物であったことを知りました。若くして後の将軍の乳母となり、家康に直訴し家光が徳川三代将軍になる影響力を持ったそうです。また天皇に拝謁(面会)することも実現した人物、65 歳という若さで亡くなっています。この像は春日局が埋葬されたこのお寺の前にあります。
Recently, I’m coming to Hongo, Bunkyo-ku for a new job. I saw this statue when I was walking for lunch. History is a weak me. When I looked it up online, I learned that she was a person who had a great influence on politics. She became a nanny of a later general at a young age, and appealed to Ieyasu and had the influence that Iemitsu became the third general of Tokugawa. She had died at the young age of 65, a person who was able to meet with the Emperor. This statue is in front of this temple where Kasugano Tsubone was buried.