年末年始は息子夫婦が来日、家族一緒に過ごすことができました。年末はクルミくんの 15 歳となる誕生日でもあって、嬉しいことが続きました。クルミくんは食欲に波がありますが、元気に過ごしています。毎日の点滴は慣れることはなく、クルミくんも私も緊張する瞬間です。12 月の初めから晴れの日が続き、乾燥する毎日です。南国に住む息子夫婦にとっては寒くて乾燥した天気は辛かったようです。今年の正月はクルミくんも一緒にホテルで過ごすことができました。
During the New Year holidays, my son and his wife visited Japan, and we were able to spend time together as a family. The end of the year was particularly special as it coincided with Kurumi’s 15th birthday, making it a time of continued joy. Although Kurumi’s appetite can be inconsistent, he is doing well. The daily IV treatments remain a tense moment for both Kurumi and me, as neither of us has fully gotten used to them. Since the beginning of December, we’ve had continuous sunny days, leading to dry weather. For my son and his wife, who live in a tropical region, the cold and dry climate seemed quite challenging. This New Year, we were even able to spend time at a hotel with Kurumi.