クルミくんは処方食として KD という腎臓機能を助ける食事を摂っています。この KD は水分が多く、食後、歯に多く残ってしまいます。そこで食後に歯磨き用のガムを噛ませています。クルミくんはこのガムが大好きでよく噛んでくれます。効果があるようで、クルミくんの歯は綺麗になってきました。クルミくんの噛む力が強いので、私は噛まれないように注意しなければなりません。
Kurumi is on a prescription diet called KD, which helps kidney function. This KD contains a lot of water and leaves a lot of residue on the teeth after eating. So I give Kurumi gum to chew after meals to help him brush his teeth. Kurumi loves this gum and chews it well. It seems to be effective and his teeth are getting cleaner. He is a strong chewer, so I have to be careful not to let him bite me.